Can you tell me a bit about yourself?
I've always loved cosmetics ... from a very early age. One of the most fun jobs I've had was working as a Cosmetics Department Manager. For a beauty addict, it doesn't get any better! Can you imagine getting paid to spend your day being in a cosmetics department? I always enjoyed learning about each cosmetic and fragrance line.
Why did you decide to start your blog?
My family and friends were always asking about the latest and greatest cosmetics or skincare I was using. I thought that putting the information down in one place -- a blog -- would be an easy way for them to keep up. Then it sort of took on a life of its own.
I love the name of your blog! How did you come up with it?
It was the result of sharing "the beauty 411" with my friends and coworkers; kind of a logical choice. Plus, I'm not that creative!
What have been some of the highlights of having your blog?
Without question, it's been the friendship of fellow beauty bloggers. Going to the Total Beauty Summit in May and then to Fashion Week in September have been amazing experiences. Attending the Estee Lauder reception in New York -- and meeting Bobbi Brown! -- will be a night I will never forget. Dream. Come. True.
What are your top 5 beauty essentials?
Like any self-respecting beauty junkie, coming up with only 5 is near impossible. Here are the ones I can't live without. They're the standards I use to compare new products that I try.
1) Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk #5 Foundation. The finish is flawless and it makes your skin look perfect.
2) Boots No. 7 Quick Thinking 4 in 1 Wipes. The best makeup remover is also the most convenient. Love that!
3) Kate Somerville ExfoliKate. I live for skincare and I love the Kate Somerville line.
4) Bobbi Brown cosmetics. I use everything from shadows to blush to lippies. I love her philosophy about makeup. I know I can apply anything from her line and it will bring out my best features, naturally.
5) Skinceuticals C E Ferulic and Skinceuticals Hydrating B5 Gel. When I'm not testing products, this "dymanic duo" is a daily part of my skincare regimen.
What brands can you simply not live without?
1) Chanel makes me go weak in the knees -- I am powerless to resist! I see a new collection, I buy the new collection.
2) Same with Bobbi Brown. If it's a new collection, I just order it, because I know I'll love it.
3) I also love Guerlain for its sheer beauty.
Playing with products must be fun -- but what are some things you do for fun outside of blogging?
I really don't ever get tired of playing with products! But when I do have free time, I like to read other beauty blogs. I also love to travel -- the Caribbean is a favorite destination. And I have a serious handbag addiction. You can also find me hanging out with my beauty blogging friends on Twitter!
Thanks for the great profile of Nancy/beauty411. She really is as sweet as she is knowledgeable.
ReplyDeleteThis was such a fun experience! You ask wonderful questions and without question are one of treasures I think of when I think of "benefits and joys of blogging". :D Nancy