Monday, July 13, 2009

Beauty Question: How Do You Cure Bug Bites?

It's finally summer ... which means bug bites are most definitely on the horizon. I seem to have one day every year that I wake up with a whopping 20 mosquito bites all over my body -- somehow, a darned mosquito finds his way into my apartment in the middle of the night and eats me alive! I'm left with bite after bite that itch and swell to baseball size within minutes, even when I don't touch or scratch them. I've tried calamine lotion, oatmeal baths, rubbing alcohol ... every trick in the book, to no avail. So my beauty question is this. How do you cure bug bites? Let me know your remedies in the comments!


  1. I don't know why but Burt's Bees Miracle Salve always seems to do the trick for me. It's my multipurpose miracle salve. Hope it helps!

  2. Have you tried deodorant? A gel stick works better than powder. Maybe a combination of things...start with the alcohol and follow up with the deodorant? My son attracts mosquitos like crazy and one bite makes him swell up like a balloon, so I feel your pain! Let us know if you find something great!

  3. I'm allergic to mosquitos and have tried just about everything and I have to say cortaid advanced is far and away the best. I still have the baseball-sized welt of course, but at least it doesn't itch so bad.

  4. You've probably tried this bus this works for me. I have prescription strength (2.5%) hydrocortisone cream, and reapply every hour and a half or so. Doesn't work perfectly, so I just try to keep myself busy and not scratch. Still got that huge welt...but it will heal in time. That's what I keep on telling myself anyways, lol.

  5. take a benadryl, it knocks out the histamine in more places than just your nose
