Now, I have to admit ... this was an impulse purchase. While visiting my brother in Boston over the summer, I stopped in a Walgreen's and happened to come across it in the makeup aisle. Something about the tube just called to me -- I don't know whether it was the fact that it said "MoistureShine" right on top or whether it was the gorgeous pink color. But whatever it was, I plunked down the $8 and figured I would give it a try. And am I ever glad I did!
My lips have never felt so soft. They've never felt so supple. They've never shone so much. Add to that the subtle cinnamon-like taste, and I have to say this is one of my all-time fave purchases!
Neutrogena MoistureShine Lip Soother Cooling Hydragel in Gleam retails for around $7 at
These looks very interesting. Ulta has them buy one and get one free.