The packaging is, of course, as ingenious as any Philosophy product. The huge rounded bottle is emblazoned with one of Philosophy's, well, philosophies! -- in the brand's signature large print -- so it looks super-fun peeking out of the medicine cabinet or sitting atop the vanity! Plus the large black pump makes it really easy to get the product out while still looking chic and stylish.
But it's what's inside the bottle that counts. And the liquidy goodness within really impressed me from the first instant I pumped it out ... because it somehow converts into a mass of foam that smells pleasant, feels light upon the skin and doesn't leave any kind of greasy residue behind when rinsed off.
The best part, though? It doesn't make my skin red, irritated, blotchy or filled with blemishes. Instead, it gets rid of every last bit of dirt and debris from the day and really makes my skin feel clean and refreshed each and every time. With only a couple of pumps, my skin remains clear and oh so smooth.
Unfortunately, this product is no longer available.
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