And guess what? THEY WORKED. Ever since switching to these babies, my locks are so straight and shiny, I can't help but admire them every time I pass a mirror. (Okay, so maybe I find excuses to stand in front of one and admire them.) Each product is formulated with tons of vitamins to replenish moisture and really make hair gleam.
I honestly have never received so many compliments on my tresses until I started using this shampoo and conditioner. It's truly unbelievable. I just know Pantene is going to come knocking for me to do their next commercial. I can feel it.
Unfortunately, these products are no longer available.
Ahhh thank uu i just picked this conditioner version up from Wal-Mart XD. I sitll haven't tried it.
ReplyDeleteI always thought it was bull or something.
But now I'm like inspired to go have a shower.
(trust me that wasn't suppoesd to sound as bad as it does) XD. haha.
I wonder if it's the same if you only have the conditioner? Meh who knwos :).