Sunday, March 7, 2010

Beauty Question: What Are Your Secret and Non-Conventional Beauty Product Uses?

conditioner, beauty question, Fekkai, Frederic Fekkai, Fekkai Luscious Curls, Fekkai Luscious Shampoo, Fekkai Luscious Curls ConditionerWhile we all know the obvious uses for beauty products -- shampoo for your hair, shaving cream for your legs, moisturizer for dry skin -- I think we all have some secret, non-conventional uses for them. For example, I like to use conditioner to shave my legs and I use lotion to keep flyaways in place!

I'm curious about your secret and non-conventional beauty product uses. Let me know what you use your products for in the comments!


  1. I use eye cream on my lips when Im out of lip treatments


  2. I use a watercolorist artist liner brush for my liquid eyeliner! They're cheaper than fancy MAC brushes, and let me get an even more precise line!

  3. Angela -- What a great idea! You don't find that your lips get irritated or that the taste is strange?

    Anonymous -- Thanks for the great tip! I'll definitely have to try that.
