I'm a fan of beauty products, as you must know by now if you're a regular reader. But you know what else I'm a fan of? Great deals on beauty products! And that's where the Kroger Cart Buster Sale comes in handy.
Now, the best part of this sale? So many of the products I use on a daily, weekly or monthly basis are included! As a matter of fact, they're part of my Fail-Safe Beauty Routine -- I don't travel without them and I certainly don't start my day without them! You can find any of the following during the sale:
Gillette Disposable Razors
Pantene Shampoo & Conditioner
Secret Deodorant
Venus Spa Breeze Disposables
Tampax Infinity & Pearl Tampons
Are they all the most glamorous products around? Maybe not. But do they help me maintain my beauty regimen and get through each and every day feeling and looking my best? Absolutely. I really can't imagine a month (let alone a week or a day) where all of these products don't play a major part.
Your only problem? Beating me to the sale so you can snatch up all these goodies before me!
Download a digital coupon for a different product each day straight to your shopper card at the Cart Buster site for great deals on your favorite products at the Kroger Co. Family of Stores!
I was selected for participation in this campaign as a member of Clever Girls Collective.
Have you ever tried the Diva Cup or similar? Conventional tampons contain bleach and chemicals, just in case you weren't aware or had never thought about it. Organic cotton tampons are great, but 1) they create just as much waste as Tampax et al. and 2) they are expensive compared to a cup that costs under $30 and lasts for ten years. :)